We welcome new tamariki to enrol in Clyde Quay School
Prospective whānau and their children are welcome to visit the school and see our learning and school environment.

How to enrol
Children may begin school when they are five years old. Advance notice is appreciated to help us with future class planning. We encourage children to make several transition visits prior to their starting date to get a feel for the classroom.
Once you have registered your intention to enrol at Clyde Quay we will contact you to arrange these.
Documents for Enrolment
Birth certificate or passport is required for all enrolments
Immunisation certificate
If you are transferring from another school, we would like to see the last school report.
For further details about enrolment please contact the school office:
Clyde Quay School Zoning
Clyde Quay School is located in Mt Victoria and is zoned (see map).
In order to avoid overcrowding, the Board of Trustees (Board) has implemented an ‘Enrolment Scheme’. Each year the Board will ask for new enrolments from residents living within the home zone to determine student numbers for the year ahead. This enables the Board to assess how many out of zone places might be available in any one year. This information will be published to the wider community, at the same time calling for applications for those students requiring a place. If there are more applicants than there are places available, selection will be by independent ballot.

Out of zone applications
Applications are usually called for in October each year for the following school year.

New Entrants
You can help get your child ready for school by teaching them the following:
Name and address
The safest way to and from school and to go straight home after school
Doing up their own shoe laces
Taking off and putting on coat/jacket by themselves
Always having a handkerchief and knowing how to use one
Washing their hands and flushing the toilet
Putting away play things after using them
Being respectful, considerate and kind to others
Looking after their own belongings; jersey, lunch box etc. It is helpful if clothing is labelled
You can help your child to enjoy school by:
Helping them to practise writing their name (not in capitals).
Admiring their work when they bring it home.
Listening to them and praising them when they bring a book home to read to or with you
Making sure they go to bed early and get plenty of sleep.
Making sure they have a good breakfast and bring play lunch and lunch to school
Not sending toys to school – teachers cannot accept responsibility for them
Your child will need:
A school bag that is big enough to hold lunch, a drink, a reading book folder, jersey and swimming togs
For more information about our new entrants class, Harakeke, check out the learning page.
Pre School Transitions
Pikopiko Clyde Quay Kindergarten is within the grounds of Clyde Quay School.
Many families find it convenient to have younger siblings at these centres knowing that older brothers or sisters are only a stones throw away. This makes transition from preschool to school a positive, happy experience.